Expert Maintenance Recruiters. Our Process.

Don’t Be Fooled By Imitation Maintenance Recruiters! There’s Only One!

While most maintenance recruiters are surfing the job boards, racing to call the same handful of habitual candidates, the expert maintenance recruiters at are systematically executing a sourcing process that identifies the 80% of maintenance professionals WHO AREN’T ON CAREERBUILDER, MONSTER, OR EVEN LINKEDIN!

Us vs. Them – The Tale of Two Maintenance Recruiters

Us – We’re identifying all of your competitors maintenance employees and engaging them with an employer branding message that is consistent and worthy of your company.

Them – Their crossing their fingers, hoping new candidates have posted their resumes.

Us – With you get a expert industrial maintenance recruiting firm executing your search, that yields consistent and predictable results. Make no mistake, these are highly qualified candidates, vetted against your company’s requirements and culture.

Them – With them, you end up sifting and rejecting a handful of hastily submitted, subpar resumes. That’s when the waiting game begins. Maybe you hear back, maybe you don’t. Press them for results? Get ready for another slate of below standard profiles.

Them – They try to sell you on their capabilities as an industrial maintenance recruiting firm, but have few success stories, and countless unfilled positions in their wake.

Us – We are expert maintenance recruiters and provide visibility to our actual metrics from a recent, large scale client engagement with one of worlds most respected companies.

Need Proof? Take a look at how we did when Kellogg’s engaged us to fill 300+ plant leadership level positions:

Expert Maintenance Recruiters Delivering For Kellogg

From 2010 to 2013, Maintenance Recruiter filled over 300 Supervisor through Vice President level positions across Kellogg’s North American corporate, manufacturing, and distribution locations.

These are the actual key metrics produced from that engagement.

Key Performance Indicators:

  • Candidate Offer to Acceptance Rate – 98%
  • In-person Interview to Candidate Offer Rate – 61%
  • Hiring Manager Phone Interview to In-person Interview Rate -89%
  • Submit to MGR Phone IV Rate – 90%
  • Average Time to Fill – 27 days
  • Produced multiple hires at <1 day time to fill (proactive hiring at interview events)

Hired Candidate Demographics:

  • Under-Represented Candidate Hire Rate – 35%
  • Under-Represented Candidate Submission Rate – Over 40%
  • Military Veteran Hire Rate – 27%

How Is Our Industrial Maintenance Recruiting Firm Different Than Other Maintenance Recruiters? Our Commitment to Producing Process Driven Results

Our process is designed to increase recruiter productivity while reduce costly recruiting waste. Our cutting edge Recruitment Process Playbook outlines and documents more than 20 key recruitment and position management activities.

Using a consultative approach, we take extra steps to gain in-depth knowledge of both client and candidate needs. This helps us better understand the long term success of an employee has more to it than functional fit. These measured paces ensure our clients get a motivated and productive team player. Furthering the chance they hit the ground running and enjoy a long term career with their new organization.

This proven process reduces the candidate traffic required to fill your position (fewer submits, interviews and offers). It also consistently produced candidates who have gone on to achieve multi-level promotions at our client companies.

The Results Are In. Tops All Other Maintenance Recruiters!

Our process execution, combined with our Recruitment Process Playbook, has helped Maintenance consistently beat our other maintenance recruiters. It has also earned us our position as the industrial maintenance recruiting firm of choice with companies like Kellogg’s, Whirlpool and Armstrong Worldwide.

We’re confident you will find Maintenance Recruiter’s process and delivery a refreshingly effective method to making your next hire. Whether you’re looking to hire mechanical technicians, or need to identify your next Corporate Director of Reliability, the expert maintenance recruiters at the industrial maintenance recruiting firm that’s right for you.

If you’re tired of run of the mill maintenance recruiters who make more excuses than hires, call the experts today! 1.888.776.9615